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Self-Help Book

for a Healthier You


Let’s face it – the past two years have not been easy!  We’ve all been feeling it, and even though the toll on our mental health is mostly invisible, it can have a long-lasting effect.


The Valley API Mental Health Project would like to help.  Thanks to a generous grant from the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund, we’re able to offer you a FREE evidence-based, clinician-approved self-help book, hand-picked by a group of mental health professionals – ‘Creating Well-Being: Four Steps to a Happier, Healthier Life’ by Dr. Pamela Hays.


Dr. Hays is a scholar, speaker, and licensed psychologist who specializes adapting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to clients from diverse backgrounds.  Her book is full of relatable examples and helpful activities that you can do at home.  

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